The CloudVPN router is unable to set up a VPN, Configuration, or Data logging connection. When the connection is checked in the component Cloud connection status, one of the following error messages can be observed:
A firewall is interfering with the connection. In general, this is a company firewall (for wired and Wi-Fi connections) or a firewall at the connection provider (for cellular connections). This can occur with a VPN, Configuration, and Data logging connection. A secure connection is used between the CloudVPN router and the servers in CloudVPN Portal. When a firewall somehow makes a change to this connection, e.g. by opening packets for an SSL inspection, the connection is no longer deemed secure and is disconnected. So, although the CloudVPN router is able to reach the internet and CloudVPN’s servers, setting up the actual connection doesn’t succeed. When there are several consecutive failed connections, rate-limiting occurs. If this continues extensively, connections from the particular CloudVPN router are ultimately blocked altogether. Both a rate limit and a block can be reset in the Cloud connection status component.
Make sure that the CloudVPN router’s internet connection is not blocked or filtered. Besides opening ports and whitelisting CloudVPN’s servers, also make sure that SSL inspection isn’t active as this will invalidate the secure communication between the CloudVPN router and the servers in the cloud. For more information, see the article How does your device connect to the CloudVPN Portal? (ports, protocols & servers).
Alternative solution for VPN
A possible alternative solution for VPN could be to use Stealth mode, which encapsulates the OpenVPN traffic in HTTPS. Instead of using the default HTTPS port 443, port 8443 will be used to connect to the VPN server. Stealth mode can be enabled by using the option Use stealth mode under Fleet Manager > select device > Network > VPN > Stealth mode.
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